Conseils restauration cokpit Microsail Jeanneau

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Inscription : 05 nov. 2015 10:55
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Conseils restauration cokpit Microsail Jeanneau

Message par Charlotte »

bonjour a tous,

is there any clever way to stabilize the ground floor of the cockpit of a Jeanneau Microsail 1984?
The floor shows the same cracks as can be seen on the last picture in that post: viewtopic.php?p=18174#p18174
It seems to me, that the floor and the sides are flexing (see sketch below).
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Messages : 208
Inscription : 26 janv. 2009 23:54
Bateau : Microsail

Re: Conseils restauration cokpit Microsail Jeanneau

Message par Xavier »

Hi Charlotte,
For our Microsail we totally fill the volume under the cokpit with polystyrène foam sheet. It's working pretty well.
we lost compartment volume, but we earn buoyancy.
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Messages : 208
Inscription : 26 janv. 2009 23:54
Bateau : Microsail

Re: Conseils restauration cokpit Microsail Jeanneau

Message par Xavier »

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